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About Us

Beyond providing unmatched quality and attention to detail in our work, Dart Frog Creative stands apart from the competition in our culture and approach.


Our Culture:

We’re a team of hardworking, creative minds that love a challenge and never settle for “good enough.” We work tirelessly to exceed our clients’ expectations—and that means days and weeks where the hours stack up and the whole team’s all in on solving whatever’s thrown our way. And, when we reach the latest milestone and achieve our client’s goals, we’re just as passionate about coming up for air—because creativity thrives when we take time to recognize our achievements, celebrate wins, and gear up for the next big push.

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Our Approach:

We’re real people who are really excited about building something, together, with our clients. We’re approachable, we’re friendly, and (we think) we’re a lot of fun. No pretensions. No bravado. Just really great work.

Our Process

We’re highly dedicated to design and to delivering the highest fidelity product.

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1. What We Need:

  • Product Geometry

  • Finish Samples

  • Output

  • Material Callouts

  • Art Direction Information Sharing

3. Reviews:

  • 1st Review: Product Accuracy
    and Composition

  • 2nd Review: Surface Materials + Lighting

  • 3rd Review: Styling

  • 4th Review: Sign-off

2. What We Do:

  • Scene Creation

  • Material Creation + Application

  • Lighting

  • Styling

  • Rendering

  • Post Production

4. Finalizing:

  • Proof HQ

  • WeTransfer

We believe that all of our clients should have access to anyone on the team, so we’ve eliminated the traditional gate-keeper account management approach in favor of openness and transparency.

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Google Sheets

Our producers will track the asset as it flows through our pipeline giving them the ability to make any traffic adjustments as deemed necessary.

Google Meet

It’s great to see faces and highly efficient to have work sessions with our clients—Google Meet allows us to do both of those things.

Project Management

Our goal is always to make things easier and to eliminate stress, which is why we’ve built a proprietary process based on years of experience working with a multitude of clients on projects big and small. We also have the ability to adjust our standard workflow into any pre-existing tool or process you may prefer. In many cases, we use a hybrid of our process and elements from our client’s preferred workflow.
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Proof HQ

Proof HQ allows all constituencies to be on the same page as well as giving us a checklist of changes ensuring all of your edits get made. The tool tracks versions of all uploaded assets so users can easily go between deliverables.

WeTransfer Plus

Simple, intuitive FTP. Transfers are available for up to two months.
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Our Services

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Product 360s

Product sweeps


Product Cut-a-ways

Technical Renderings

Configurator Assets

CGI and Photography Composites

Product and Environment Fly-thoughs

Image Retouching

Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality

Configurator Assets


Concept Development

Storyboarding and Pacing

Script Writing

Motion Design

Music Selection


Asset Consultation




Dart Frog Creative

38 Commerce Ave.

Suite 430 

Grand Rapids, MI 49503


p: 312.622.2209


  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Vimeo

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